

Educational Consultants & Curriculum Developers

A group of small educational family owned consulting firms located through out the USA; all in the family with one exception of a gal that does a lot of curriculum research & educational writing along with organizing materials, etc. for us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Educator Trainings Introduction

F-H-C (Faith-Hope-Charity) Educational was founded by my five sisters and myself (the Thompson Sisters) and was a small family educational group which grew over time with our children and their families along with our brothers children and some other cousins, but still is mainly a small family group that develops and puts on educational leadership workshops. Over the years these workshops have been mainly held  in the following three type of locations across the United States. My sister's and I have all retired now.

  1. Universities -- 
  2. ISD / Intermediate School Districts (in some states) or other such groupings of area school districts by county or other groupings, depending on the state --
  3. Summer Wilderness Camp --
All six of us (my sisters and I) taught in universities in the states where we lived at small out-reach locations of the the university that we taught for. Our family has always been a fairly private family; family is very important to us. We do not share much personal stuff on social media and post very, very little in the way of photos. There is way too much identity theft out there on social media to be posting personal information. We have written a few pieces on our life, such as the stories of growing up and going to visit Grandpa and Grandma Gleason's in upper Michigan. All four of our grandparents (Grandfather and Grandmother Gleason and Grandfather and Grandmother Thompson) were adopted and never knew their biological families: this along with some other things contributed to our grandparents and our parents preferring to live a more private life. There never has be anything illegal in their lives just some tragedies that they do not prefer to dwell on. 

We will get into more on our Educational Trainings later but at this time I just wanted to give you this introduction. In our educational trainings we taught many of the programs that I mentioned in the summery that I wrote on our F-H-C Educational Program. We took the trainings for these programs and then were able to teach them to teachers so that they could get and used these great educational materials with their students.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Free Teacher Materials

 We are going to now be working on getting free teacher materials ready to upload on here.

Faith-Hope-Charity Educational / F-H-C Educational Group

 What are some of the things that we promote in our educational program? ---

  • First off, I should explain that our F-H-C Education Program is built around one curriculum map plan that is set up for teachers to fill in with what they have and what they can get without spending a lot of money. I am going to list some very good programs that fit in nicely with our program and that a lot of our teachers use; often a teacher can get the training for these programs and the materials free by going to workshops at their local ISD. Often schools and teachers throw out old materials that a teacher or homeschool parent may get for free. If there are other good programs already out there, we incorporate them into our program and instead of wasting time writing other such materials. Even though some programs may be older, if they are or were good, do not throw them out. We use The DEL-A-LAC Way / Beaver Creek Program materials (it includes a curriculum mapping that can be used with all grades and many charts, schedules, along with other materials) as our basic program, but we also use materials from following list.  The DEL-A-LAC Way / Beaver Creek Program materials is written by one of our ladies. 
    1. )   Montessori developed by Marie Montessori
    2. )   Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI), a comprehensive school model designed by Susan Kovalik
    3. )   Madeline Hunter's elements of lesson design.
    4. )   Blooms Technology by Benjamin Bloom.
    5. )   Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences.
    6. )   Scientific Inquiries & Rubrics.
    7. )   Workshop Way type of program along with Brain Gym type of activities. 
    8. )   Lindamood Bell Learning Process.
    9. )   Craig Carpenter's Oral Language Program.
    10. )   James Grant Language Program including the TAAS Program to check where they are at along with Schmerler's language arts instructional sequence and  Orton-Gillingham Approach of Teaching Reading.  
    11. )   DIBLES Testing Program to continue to keep tract of where individual students are and where they may need more instruction.  
    12. )   GLOBE, Project Learning Tree, Salmon in the Classroom, Project Fish, Project WILD, Aquatic WILD,  Growing up WILD, Flying WILD, Project WET, Leopold Educational Project, MEECS Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum Support, and any programs connect to these.
    13. )   Four Block Reading program, although we use the ITI teaching model, sometimes we use some of Four Blocks materials in teaching reading.
    14. )   LETERS language essentials for teachers of reading and spelling and for phonic Hooked on Phonics are a couple of programs.
    15. )   Use labs such as SRA Reading Labs for extra reading practice for students to use when the are done with their other assignments but others are still working on theirs.  Accelerated Reading Program is another good program. McGuffey Readers are good and Charlotte Mason Curriculum is good.
    16. )   Math A Way of Thinking, Math Their Way, Aims, Montessori, Touch Math, math manipulatives' programs, these are some good math programs.
    17. )   Learn Our History, Faith in History with William Federer, To Every Nation are a few good social study programs.
    18. )   Nature, National Geographic's, documentaries, and such films are great to use along with studies to give students a better understanding.
    19. )   We have different sites that we upload materials, links, etc. to regularly that a teacher may use in their lesson planning. Check out our links at the bottom of this piece.
    20. )  Above is just an example of some good programs that a teacher may want to learn about and use in their teaching. A teacher needs a wide range of back-ground training that he or she can draw upon as different students learn differently.

  1.  Our program uses the January to December Schedule, but is adaptable for September through May programs. Our program includes a year around program where some times of the year it is more intense, giving families the ability to work around other things in their lives. Many of our families live on small family farms.
  2. We are very big on vocabulary development, introducing vocabulary and topic earlier than most programs.
  3. Our programs follow's The DEL-A-LAC Way's Around the World and Beyond in a year for our Curriculum Mapping schedule, with all grade levels on the same schedule and each year revisiting the same topics and building upon them from the year before. Building upon prior knowledge and reviewing what learned in the past is very important in learning.
  4. Our program provides lots of opportunities for reading and writing in a variety of genres which is necessary for a good language arts program. 
  5. The use of pictures and video's are vary useful in teaching; students need to not only hear but see to understand.
  6. Hands on activities and practical experience is extremely important in learning.  
  7. Check-off sheets letting students see what they need to do and then be able to check-off when they finish is extremely important; it helps them see where they are going and teaches them responsibilities in keeping their own records of their progress. We also use color coding a lot as it is very effective in keeping things organized and helps students to quickly and easily find materials.
  8. Posting where students can see what they are to do with examples is tremendously important, it helps them double check their own work. Also, we use answer sheets that students may use after they do an assignment to check their own work. Being able to see the right answers and correct any wrong answers right away is very important in advancing learning.
  9. Instructions at centers, labs, etc. are always needed. They may be in small flip-carts, binders, and such.
  10. Students need binders at their desks with assignment instructions, charts and such, where they can go to as they are working on assignments for guidance. They also need games and activities to reinforce their learning.
  11.  Phonic is very important, but also is whole word; we use a combination of both as some students do better with the phonic method where as other students do better with whole word.
  12. Diagnostic teaching, all students need to be tested and then given an individual learning plan. So teachers need to be taught a wide variety of teaching strategies and need to have a wide range of teaching and learning materials at their disposal at all times. Each student is different and each class is different and every year of teaching will be different on account of the different students coming into the classroom. 
  13. Our classrooms cover a spread of three grade levels so that the students are not getting a new teacher every year to adjust to each year this helps them to concentrate more on their learning.
  14. Students need their own individual time to be able to learn materials and they need to be ready to learn materials presented to them; this is why the program that we use going around the world and beyond each year is so valuable, it revisits materials already taught and reviews it on a yearly basis. 
  15. Always have something for students to be doing; example labs and centers that they can go to when they finish their work but others are still working.
  16. There needs to be areas (in the classroom) with earphones for students to listen to educational tapes, view films, work on computers, etc.; these areas maybe along side of classroom away from general desks and working area. Some of these areas may need to have dividers to keep down distractions.
  17. Our program includes the Arts, Recreation, and Vocational skills into the ITI's Program of Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math; all are important.
  18. It is very important to have a large reading library with a large variety of subjects and of reading ability levels; students need to be able to make choices in their learning.
  19. It is important to have a good classroom management / behavior plan. We use a chart containing several different parts, that the teacher can individualize it to individual students  and adjust it regularly as needed. It works great, as it is set up where IEP's don't need to called usually more often than once a year. Anytime there are any changes (according to what is on the chart), an updated copy is sent out right away to the parents and others involved with the learning of the student and the parent knows if they feel a need to call for another IEP, they can do so at any time. It keeps everyone involved informed and on the same page at all times. This plan is part of The DEL-A-LAC Way Program.
  20. Some of the links where we upload materials, etc. for teachers, parents, educators, etc.
    • Facebook site with links to our educational pages and groups -- Faith-Hope-Charity Educational 
    • Pinterest listing all our educational boards -- 
    • Christian Living's main page that has links to our educational bogs listed just below the ministries, services, fellowship, mission links -- 
    •  Teachers Pay Teachers -- Faith-Hope-Charity Educational  

Above is just a sample of what our program is about and at the top are mentioned some of the programs that our teachers were trained in and use. I will work at adding more information and materials as soon as I am able. I am helping to care for my husbands elderly parents as they live with us in Maine and I go from time-to-time to help out with my elderly parents who live with my brother in the State of New York and at times we take them to our grandparents (who passed away several years ago, but our parents still own the property) old home in Michigan. We also live on a farm, which is always busy. We have a large family and new baby great grandchildren are born on a regular basis it seems; we enjoy our family and try to spend as much time as possible with them. I have retired but try to still help out with this program when I can. Most of the work of F-H-C Educational is done now by younger members of my family along with help from my sisters and brothers' families. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

F-H-C Educational

 F-H-C Educational

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September 2022 Update

 We have been working on lots of things! Between COVID shut-downs, new government regulations, cost of everything sky-rocketing, etc. we are being forced to continue making more changes.

One of our Michigan retired teacher, currently working with us, has been updating the media F-H-C educational sites and pulling some together to make them easier to find and manage as I mentioned in my last post (last year) we have less staff now. 

Please, check out the following sites -- 

Faith-Hope-Charity Educational on Facebook - -- this site has the links to all our Facebook educational groups & pages.

Faith-Hope-Charity Educational boards on Pinterest - -- this site has all our Pinterest educational boards.

CL'MASA-FAMIA / Christian Living on Blogger - -- this site  has the links to our educational pages just below the missions, fellowship, services, and ministries link.

Faith-Hope-Charity Educational on Teachers Pay Teachers - -- this site is my site, which at this time only has a few things on it as they won't let me put any more free materials on it and I do not want to charge for my materials, so I have to work something out before I can add more materials to that site.


The DEL-A-LAC Way with Serenity Acres Beaver Creek Facebook group with more of the materials that we use with our Faith-Hope-Charity Educational Program.

BeaverCreek'sPrograms The DEL-A-LAC Way Curriculum Teachers Pay Teachers Store with more of the materials that we use with our Faith-Hope-Charity Educational Program.